Saturday, September 19, 2009

holiday mood..

i planned on studying during the hols..but as usual things dont usually turn out the way we planned or hoped for it to be...hehe...i am going hong kong on monday..=) my mum was damn random..i was on the phone with her and asked her where she was..then she said oh i am booking ticket to hong kong..we are going hong kong..then i was like..err when??!!! then she said..we will discuss this at home..bye..=.= i was i am really screwed...i cannot study at all cos i am in a holiday mode..and i am going hk..i dun think i will study there..but i am bringing my bio book there to study.just in case i feel like studying in the end..hahah...but then again i doubt i will even touch the book...hehe... i think i wanna be a doctor..but everytime i tell someone..they will keep putting pressure on asking me..are you sure ah??doctor very stress wan.,.what if you kill someone???wont you feel guilty?>>? really think i never thought of that before..???of course i tot of all the consequences..!!! me i think..nobody's perfect..being doc, we may make mistakes.but then again we are only human..if i accidentaly kill someone, maybe i will feel guilty..i will feel down..but then again..i have to stand up..i know i made a mistake..but maybe that person is fated to die..i tried my best..i did my i will try to move on..and besides who said being a doctor was going to be easy..??

being a :-

  1. businesswoman/man
  2. house wife
  3. cop
  4. lawyer
  5. chef
  6. principal
  7. teacher
  8. etc

what makes you think that all this occupation is not as risky as doc??

being a businessman you might accidentaly kill someone by making bad products,,or maybe you fail to bring up the business and go into brankrupcy..being a house wife..what if you loose your kids??being a might get in danger with a bad guy and put your family in danger too, a lawyer you might make a mistake and sentence a wrong person to jail or death, etc...

so in my opinion every job has its risks and good or bad wanna be a good doc or other occupation just work hard..nobody is dumb or long as you work hard enough then youcan be anything you wanna be...=)there's no easy way out of things....its just life..

anyway...i got a new phone..well technically its and old phone..but oh well..i love it..its actually my dad;s old phone which he never really used...=) oh and btw..karjin thanks for the dvd player..i really appreciate it..and i will get you something soon,,..guess its your turn to wait..hehe..

wow..i think i got carried away typing...

It's just life


-Just follow your dream-

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