Friday, August 07, 2009

blogging whenever i can

ok...i was sick!!!totally fine now!!just a bit of cough and maybe headache..hehehe...staying at home was seriously boring!!and jamie i would love to put pics too but my comp so slow...cannot upload a single pics..hahahah...oh well..and today jamie is sick!!=( get well soon babe!!!hehe...
i think i am gonna study medicine la...its interesting tho i have to work really hard!!hehehe...and i can save lives!! anyway...kar jin is so nice!! me do my bm homework by messaging me all the answers when i have headache!!hehehe thanks!!!=) and today i kept teasing him...i am so bad..his dad bought him a specs..the specs is so funny...he keeps telling me the specs is exacly like mr.chin's specs..haha..its completely squared shaped...haha...that;s why i say wear contact lens dun wanna listen..!!hahaha..I love being in class cos there;s so many ppl to talk to...especially when i get bored or need help in my studies i just have to turn around because i got 2 smart guys sitting behind me..john and lik sheng!!hahha...john i like a kid..he looks like a kid too..hahaha...i skip tuition today and went one cc now blogging haha..and behind the cc got karaoke..this malay guy singing with a mike...totally makes my headache worse!!hahaha...xD

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